Car imports are booming in Madagascar. Although import times are somewhat longer, depending on the origin of the vehicle, there is a constant influx of used vehicles from abroad.  

All you need to do is follow import procedures to bring vehicles to Madagascar, whether for personal or professional use.

Choosing a shipping agency is the first step.  For cars arriving from France, you can also choose to ship by air. Once you’ve chosen an agency, follow the steps below:

1- Apply for a Vehicle Identification Check for Imported Used Vehicles

A  Vehicle Identification Check for Imported Used Vehicles  is required for physical verification before the vehicle is shipped. This request must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Two import information forms (duly completed)
  • Original vehicle registration document
  • Bill of lading
  • Buyer’s identity papers (NIC, passport, Tax ID Number and statistical number)

2- Save and validate a Cargo Tracking Form

Cargo Tracking Form enables customs authorities to track the movement of imported goods. For a vehicle, it must be validated within 3 days of its physical inspection.

3- Making a declaration

Prior to customs clearance, the importer must first submit a request for value to the relevant authorities, and then make a declaration to customs. This declaration can only be made by a customs-approved forwarding agent.

4- Making payments

The fees for customs clearance and the services provided by GasyNet (an entity under Malagasy law created through a public-private partnership between the Malagasy government and SGS – Société Générale de Surveillance, whose activities are focused on the extensive use of information technologies) are the costs to be paid.

To clear your vehicle through customs, the following documents are required:

  • Final invoice for the imported vehicle
  • Bill of lading
  • Original and copy of tax identification certificate
  • Packing note

An imported vehicle capable of carrying more than ten people is subject to 20% customs duty and 20% value-added tax, while lighter vehicles are subject to a 15% reduction under the IEPA (Interim Economic Partnership Agreement). Note that the import of a disabled vehicle is exempt from VAT.

Once you’ve paid these various duties and taxes, you can finally proceed with the removal of your vehicle.

The madagascar-services team wishes you a safe journey!