Investor Visa in Madagascar

The investor visa is one of the long term visas available in Madagascar. Relatively easy to obtain, it allows you to obtain a right of residence up to 10 years. MDG Services will assist you in obtaining this document as part of its expatriation support services.

What is the Investor Visa?

Madagascar offers the opportunity to immigrate to foreign investors via an investor visa. This visa is intended for foreigners who wish to create or buy a company in Madagascar.

It is granted for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years and is accompanied by a resident card. Since 2016, your long stay visa and resident card must be biometric.

The investor visa in practice

Steps before your installation in Madagascar

Obtaining a long-stay visa is conditional on obtaining a convertible visa before your departure. It is therefore essential to set up your business in Madagascar before considering the application for a convertible visa. These steps can be taken even with a short stay visa.

The application for a convertible visa must be made at an Embassy or Consulate of Madagascar abroad. Your file must include:

  • The Company’s Articles of Association
  • The Statistical Card
  • The Certificate of Tax Registration
  • The Declaration of Existence
  • Extract from the Trade and Companies Register
  • A Bank Certificate of the Company issued by a Bank in Madagascar

Once you arrive in Madagascar, you have 30 days to transform your visa into a long stay visa.

Your steps on the spot

Obtaining an investor visa is, in theory, quite simple but can quickly become time consuming. Indeed, the EDBM facilitates most of the procedures but does not exempt you from certain registrations with the local authorities:

  • at the Fokontany, to obtain a residence certificate
  • to the Préfecture de Police for the Census of Foreigners.

The documents to be provided are then substantially similar to those for the convertible visa application.

Renewal of your investor visa in Madagascar

At the end of your Investor Visa, you can apply for its renewal. You will only have to prove that your company is in compliance with the legislation by presenting :

  • an updated tax card
  • Financial statements filed with tax clearance. The duration of the renewal may be shorter or longer. However, there is no limit to the number of renewals.

MDG Services’ support

MDG Services makes it easy to get your time by freeing up your time and ensuring :

  • the verification of the completeness of the files and the filing with the various authorities and public administration.
  • the follow-up of the deposited files and their recoveries
  • le processus jusqu’à la mise à disposition de votre carte résident​

For more details, contact us and ask for a quotation